Welcome to Molalla United Methodist Church. We are located in Molalla, Oregon on the East edge of town. Our church is an open, friendly place where there is a place for YOU, and God’s grace is available to everybody at all times in their life. We invite folks to join in public worship, faith study, and shared table as often as you can.
We are excited to welcome you to worship every Sunday at 11:00 a.m.! At Molalla United Methodist Church our arms and hearts are open to all – you are a unique and wonderful creation of God; we celebrate that creation! There is a place for YOU at Molalla UMC.
Unfortunately, our community meal is on a pause right now, but we hope to get it up and running again. Check this space or our Facebook page for announcements.
If you would like more information about our congregation or would like to speak with the pastor, please give us a call at 503-829-8076 or send us an email at office@molallaumc.org